Each applicant to SF-PPTP or Foundations must:
Be a California-licensed psychiatrist or psychiatry resident or have a California mental health practitioner license or registered trainee license (or a plan for one of these to be in place)..
- Have an established plan to be practicing psychoanalytic psychotherapy with adults 1-2x/week while in SF-PPTP or Foundations classes.
- Applicants to SF-PPTP must have a plan to be practicing this kind of therapy for at least one year during the program’s two academic years of coursework.
- Applicants to Foundations must have a plan to be practicing this kind of therapy for at least six months during the program’s one academic year of coursework. Occasionally, applicants are accepted into Foundations in the absence of such a plan. Such applications should be submitted only after first consulting with Outreach Chair Adam Goldyne (click to email).
- During the planned period of clinical practice described above, one of the following must be true:
- The trainee must be licensed (psychology, marriage and family therapy, social work, nursing, or medicine) and have malpractice insurance; or
- The trainee must be practicing under the license and professional liability insurance of a supervising clinician or organization with whom they are training.
Please see the tab to the left — Deciding Whether to Apply to SF-PPTP or Foundations — for guidance in deciding whether SF-PPTP or Foundations would be a better fit for your circumstances.
If your primary clinical work is with children and adolescent patients, please consider applying to SFCP’s Child and Adolescent Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Training Program (CAPPTP).
Further questions about eligibility for SF-PPTP or Foundations may be directed to Admissions Chair Lucas Broster, MD, PhD (click to email).