The SFCP Library

EZ Proxy

SFCP offers EZ Proxy service to all SFCP members.  EZ Proxy is an online user authentication system available to all members, EZ-Proxy provides remote access to the SFCP Library’s journal subscriptions. Through EZ-Proxy, you may have access to the most recent three years content, and a limited number of back catalog issues of many psychoanalytic journals. The availability of materials depends on the publisher of the journal in question.

Log-on Instructions

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  1. Click on any of the journal links listed under the “Serial Resources” headings.  This will take you to a login screen with an OCLC logo.  OCLC is the company that hosts our EZ Proxy service.
  2. Enter your EZ Proxy username and password.  Your username is your email address.  If you don’t know your password, please email

Serial Resources

Journals Description

The British Journal of Psychotherapy is a journal for psychoanalytic and Jungian-analytic thinkers, with a focus on both innovatory and everyday work on the unconscious in individual, group and institutional practice. As an analytic journal, it has long occupied a unique place in the field of psychotherapy journals with an Editorial Board drawn from a wide range of psychoanalytic, psychoanalytic psychotherapy, psychodynamic, and analytical psychology training organizations. As such, its psychoanalytic frame of reference is wide-ranging and includes all schools of analytic practice. Conscious that many clinicians do not work only in the consulting room, the Journal encourages dialogue between private practice and institutionally based practice. Recognizing that structures and dynamics in each environment differ, the Journal provides a forum for an exploration of their differing potentials and constraints. Mindful of significant change in the wider contemporary context for psychotherapy, and within a changing regulatory framework, the Journal seeks to represent current debate about this context.

We invite papers on clinical work, whether a single case-study or a general discussion using detailed clinical vignettes from several cases; on intensive and non-intensive work; and based in individual, group or institutional practice. We invite discussions of assessment; clinical confidentiality; standards, training and supervision; and the current context of audit and evaluation. We invite reflective research papers, whether qualitatively or quantitatively based, and with a clinical focus; work on the unconscious dynamics of clinical practice, individual or institutional; and work offering a psychoanalytic and Jungian-analytic perspective on professional, historical, cultural and political issues.

As an analytic journal, our primary focus is on the unconscious and on transference/countertransference processes, but the BJP has traditionally sought to make links and critical comparisons with other therapeutic methods. We encourage high-quality work-in-progress reports, submissions from clinicians at an early stage of their careers, and international submissions.

The Contemporary Psychoanalysis, a double blind peer-reviewed international quarterly, is the journal of the William Alanson White Institute and the William Alanson White Psychoanalytic Society.

The journal publishes creative and original psychoanalytic writing from both new and experienced authors. Although the editors very much encourage diverse perspectives, our primary focus is on interpersonal and relational psychoanalysis. Our pages include a mix of the scholarly and the clinical, the heady and the playful. We are committed to providing authors with thoughtful reviews and working one-on-one with them to craft articles that contribute substantively to the literature.

The International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies is an international, peer-reviewed journal that provides a forum for the publication of original work on the application of psychoanalysis to the entire range of human knowledge. This truly interdisciplinary journal offers a concentrated focus on the subjective and relational aspects of the human unconscious and its expression in human behavior in all its variety.

The journal demonstrates a special interest in contemporary social issues; however, it also encompasses virtually every field and topic of human scholarly study, such as violence, gender, ethnicity, politics, international diplomacy, sociology, education, the environment, medicine, immigration, organizational psychology, management, spirituality and religion, philosophy, anthropology, physics and the arts (including music, drawing, painting, sculpture, prose, poetry, film and theater).

The International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies welcomes original research papers, review articles, short communications, editorials, and special sections headed by outstanding psychoanalytic and other scholars.

The Journal of Child Psychotherapyfirst published in 1963, is the official journal of the Association of Child Psychotherapists. It aims to represent the pluralism of clinical practice, theory and research in psychoanalytic child and adolescent psychotherapy, to promote the exchange of diverse perspectives and to provide a forum where new ideas can emerge and be debated.

We welcome submissions from mental health practitioners and researchers from all relevant professional backgrounds. We are interested in a wide range of papers concerned with the advancement of clinical practice, theory and research in the field of child and adolescent psychotherapy. We welcome submissions that engage in creative debates with other disciplines in order to understand the growth of the mind. Similarly, we welcome papers that promote dialogue between psychoanalytic practitioners and colleagues practicing within other therapeutic modalities. We especially welcome papers highlighting the application of child and adolescent psychotherapy in different contexts to illustrate the versatility and evolution of practice in the field.

The Journal of Child Psychotherapy is an essential publication for all those with an interest in the theory, research and clinical practice of psychoanalytic work with infants, children, adolescents and their families.

The Journal of Infant, Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy invites submissions of articles by clinicians, researchers and theoreticians who work from a psychoanalytic 

developmental perspective. Articles representative of a full range of contemporary psychoanalytic traditions are welcome, as well as comparative and integrative approaches. The journal is international in scope and distribution, and has had, from its inception, a commitment to diversity inclusive of ethnicity, economic background, gender and socio-cultural context.

The journal (JICAP) provides a forum for the exploration of issues directly relevant to 21st century clinical practice. Articles are written by and for infant, child, and adolescent psychoanalysts and psychodynamic psychotherapists, as well as researcher/clinicians from diverse backgrounds exploring the contributions of psychoanalytic developmental understanding and treatment approaches to real world clinical work with infants, children, adolescents and parents.

Articles include case studies integrating contemporary theoretical perspectives and/or grounded in research findings, clinical concerns, theoretical trends, training issues, and empirical, including qualitative and early stage exploratory research with implications for the contemporary practitioner. In addition to clinical case studies of intensive and long term psychoanalytic treatment, we welcome articles exploring the application of psychoanalytic understanding to the development of short term and novel therapies, work in settings outside of the traditional consulting room, such as community, school and medical settings, as well as work sensitive to the impact of the socio/cultural context and contemporary dilemmas facing practitioners and the infants, parents, children and adolescents they treat.

The Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association (JAPA) is the preeminent North American psychoanalytic scholarly journal in terms of number of subscriptions, frequency of citation in other scholarly works and the preeminence of its authors.

Published bimonthly, this peer-reviewed publication is an invaluable resource for psychoanalysts, psychologists, psychiatrists, and other mental health professionals.

JAPA publishes original articles, research, plenary presentations, panel reports, abstracts, commentaries, editorials and correspondence. In addition, the JAPA Review of Books provides in-depth reviews of recent literature……

One of the world’s most respected publications in psychoanalysis, the Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association (JAPA) offers insightful and broad-based original articles, ground-breaking research, thoughtful plenary addresses, in-depth panel reports, perceptive commentaries, plus much more. Included in each issue is the esteemed JAPA Review of Books, which provides comprehensive reviews of and essays on recent notable literature. JAPA provides an important forum for the exchange of new ideas and highlights the contribution of psychoanalytic principles in helping to understand important social problems.

JAPA explores all the important topics you need to stay on top of your profession—from clinical issues and innovations to new methodologies to education and professional development issues to interdisciplinary studies to emerging theories and techniques.

Among the important topics in recent issues are:

  • Child Analysis & Development
  • Gender and Sexuality
  • Hermeneutics
  • Interdisciplinary Studies
  • Masculinity In The 21st Century
  • Medication And Psychoanalysis
  • Modern And Postmodern Trends In Psychoanalysis
  • Neuroscience
  • Professional Ethics
  • Psychoanalytic Education and Training
  • Psychoanalytic Technique
  • Psychoanalytic Theory
  • Psychotherapy
  • Research Methodologies
  • Trauma Theory

Published bimonthly, this peer-reviewed publication is an invaluable resource for psychoanalysts, psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, and other mental health professionals.

Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association is available electronically through SAGE Journals at

Launched in 1991, Psychoanalytic Dialogues was founded on the premise that within the diverse world of psychoanalysis there had developed a set of overlapping perspectives that regarded relational configurations of self and others, real and fantasied, as the primary units of human motivation and psychodynamic explanation. These perspectives emerged within interpersonal psychoanalysis; British object relations theories; self psychology; the empirical traditions of infancy research and child development; and certain currents of contemporary Freudian thought. This common relational model has come to provide a vitalizing framework within which clinical contributions can be situated and developed.

Psychoanalytic Dialogues is dedicated to facilitating debate among theoreticians and clinicians working within this array of relational perspectives. Now published bimonthly, it continues to explore common ground; to clarify differences; and to raise the level of debate within the analytic community above slogans and formulas–all in the interest of enhancing our understanding of the intricate richness of the psychoanalytic process.

Published eight times a year, Psychoanalytic Inquiry (PI) retains distinction in the world of clinical publishing as a genuinely monographic journal. By dedicating each issue to a single topic, PI achieves a depth of coverage and diversity of perspective unique to the journal format. By virtue of the topical focus of each issue, it functions as a monograph series covering the most timely issues – theoretical, clinical, developmental, and institutional – before the field. 

Forthcoming issues include ones focusing on The Many Voices of Self Psychology; French Psychoanalysis; Post-Modern Feminism; Analytic Failure and Post 9/11 Veterans and PTSD. PI monographic issues have found an appreciative readership among analysts, psychiatrists, clinical psychologists and a broad range of scholars in the humanities.

Psychoanalytic Inquiry welcomes the proposal of topics and authors for the creation of new issues.

The Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy publishes original contributions on the application, development and evaluation of psychoanalytic ideas and therapeutic interventions in the public health sector and other related applied settings. The Journal aims to promote theoretical and applied developments that are underpinned by a psychoanalytic understanding of the mind. Its aims are consonant with those of The Association for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy in the Public Sector (APPPS) in promoting applied psychoanalytic work and thinking in the public health care system, across the whole age range.

We welcome submissions from mental health professionals and researchers from all relevant professional backgrounds. We are interested in a range of papers: clinical and single case studies used to illustrate the development of a specific theoretical point, or the application of analytic work in particular settings and/ or with a specialist patient group; systematic reviews and empirical evaluations of the application of psychoanalytic ideas and of innovative therapeutic interventions; rigorous theoretical papers; papers addressing policy issues that impact on the practice of psychoanalytic therapy and/ or the applied work of analytically informed practitioners, or papers that make a contribution to the development of mental health policy. We especially welcome submissions that engage in constructive debates within and between the diverse traditions within psychoanalysis. Similarly we welcome papers that develop dialogues between psychoanalytic practitioners and colleagues practicing within other therapeutic modalities.

The oldest free-standing psychoanalytic journal in North America, The Psychoanalytic Quarterly is published every January, April, July, and October. Each issue contains from six to eight original articles, a section of in-depth book reviews and book review essays. In addition, special issues of the Quarterly are devoted to the exploration of key issues in psychoanalysis, encompassing both contemporary subjects and enduring themes that merit rethinking from a variety of viewpoints.  

An independent journal with a strong clinical focus, the Quarterly is not wedded to any one school of psychoanalytic thought. Its editorial goals are to encourage and publish the most rigorous original papers from North America and around the world, representing all contemporary psychoanalytic perspectives on the theories, practices, research endeavors, and applications of adult and child psychoanalysis. 

The principal aim of The Scandinavian Psychoanalytic Review is to publish articles of the highest quality and relevance to serve researchers and clinicians interested in psychoanalysis, and to reflect the development of psychoanalysis both internationally and in Scandinavia.

Communicating clinical experience to a broader audience has always been a challenge for the psychoanalytical research community. The aim of the Editors of The Scandinavian Psychoanalytic Review is to facilitate this process. The Editors therefore welcome articles that from a clinical point of departure evolve thoughts as well as viewpoints with a common interest.

Articles aiming to enrich our understanding of cultural phenomena, like literature and art, by means of psychoanalytic models or reasoning are therefore welcome. Precisely such a span of interest has been the hallmark of psychoanalysis ever since the time of Freud, and it makes up the scope of The Scandinavian Psychoanalytic Review.

The Studies in Gender and Sexuality is one of the leading journals in the transdisciplinary field of gender and sexuality studies. Situated at the interface of psychoanalysis and social/cultural theory, it aims to further our understanding of how we live, theorize and transform genders and sexualities.

The journal attracts prominent scholars, clinicians and practitioners from around the globe who focus on the productive tensions between the clinic and the academy, the psychic and the social, theory and practice. Thus it works in the traditions of feminist and postcolonial scholarship, developmental research, and queer, literary and social and cultural studies that have contributed to renewed fascination with those powerfully formative aspects of subjectivity that fall under the rubric of “gender and sexuality.”

Studies in Gender and Sexuality welcomes submissions from a wide range of critical perspectives. It has a particular (though not exclusive) interest in approaches that use psychoanalysis to complicate and deepen our conceptualizations of gender and sexualities. As psychoanalysis increasingly explores the unconscious registration and representation of the social realm, and as critical and cultural studies increasingly consider the enigmatic realm when describing the intersections of sexuality, gender, race, and class, we especially invite papers that tend to the paradox of narrating what cannot be known through its effects on being Other (or alone) among others.

The journal speaks equally to academic researchers and scholars, clinicians, and practitioners. It publishes work across the arts and humanities, and the social and natural sciences. Disciplinary perspectives may include: anthropology, critical theory, critical race studies, feminism, gender studies, history, human geography, literature, queer studies, philosophy, psychosocial and psychoanalytic studies, postcolonial studies, science studies, sociology, social theory, and women’ studies.

Consonant with its goals, Studies in Gender and Sexuality seeks scholarship on gender, sexuality, and their representations which mines the tensions between subjective life and social and political formations. The form of such work may range, from case studies to literary and historical scholarship to critical and theoretical essays to other, inventive methodologies. As clinicians, researchers and scholars who, for the past two decades, have written and practiced at the intersections of feminist, social, cultural and queer theories, as well as clinical psychoanalysis, the Editors are eager for projects in areas of controversy that invite divergent perspectives, new voices, and cross disciplinary encounters.

Upcoming Events

Saturday, April 5, 2025
Special Programs
An Afternoon of Poetry and Art
with Forrest Hamer and Alice Jones
Sunday, April 6, 2025
Wednesdays, February 5, 2025 to March 12, 2025
Coalition for Clinical Social Work
All of Us! - The Ones We See & The Ones We Erase
Karim Dajani, PsyD and Danny Yu, LCSW
Thursday, April 10, 2025
SFCP Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Conversations
SFCP Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) Conversations - Module 3
David Luna, MBA, JD
Saturday, April 19, 2025
Special Programs
W.R. Bion’s Reading of C.G. Jung’s Memories, Dreams and Reflections
Joseph Aguayo, PhD (presenter); Peter Goldberg, PhD and Mark Winborn, PhD (discussants)
Thursday, April 24, 2025
Visiting Professor Weekend
Introduction to the work of Nicola Abel-Hirsch, FIPA
Peter Goldberg, PhD
Saturday, April 26, 2025, to Sunday, April 27, 2025
Committee on Groups
SFCP's Annual Group Relations Weekend
Alan Ruiz, MFA; and Janice K. Wagner, LCSW (facilitators)
Saturday, May 3, 2025
Visiting Professor Weekend
A morning with Nicola Abel-Hirsch, FIPA - Bion's Technique
Nicola Abel-Hirsch, FIPA (presenter); Laurie Goldsmith, PhD (moderator)
Sunday, May 4, 2025
Visiting Professor Weekend
Professor's Choice: On "Container/contained Transformed"
Wednesday, May 7, 2025
Coalition for Clinical Social Work
Unwound and Unwound-ing: A Poetic Psychoanalytic Exploration of Whiteness
Hazel White; Jyoti Rao, MFT; and Forrest Hamer, PhD (panelists)
Saturday, June 14, 2025
Dialogues in Contemporary Psychoanalysis
Listening Into Being: An Actor’s Invitation
Robin Weigert in Conversation with Kristin Fiorella
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