Extension Division Program: Year 2

Audrey Dunn, LCSW and Danny Yu, LCSW, Co-Chairs

Foundations of Psychodynamic Clinical Work in Community Mental Health Settings

This 18-week course is a follow up course for those students who completed Year One of Foundations of Psychodynamic Clinical Work in Community Mental Health Settings.

In this 18-week course, we will delve further into the ways in which clinicians working in community mental health settings can sustain meaningful contact with their clients and professional identity in the face of overwhelming demands and experiences. We will look more closely at how we connect with, listen to, and support our clients. The effects of race, class, immigration, aggression and trauma will be integrated throughout the course.

The Enrico Jones Fund for Equality and Excellence is offering a tuition credit for this program. It is available to licensed therapists and people working toward licensure who self-identify as a Person of Color for CCSW participants, at $300 per applicant. Visit the Enrico Jones Fund for Equality and Excellence webpage for details.

Dates:Wednesdays, January 10, 2024 – May 15, 2024
Time:07:00pm – 08:30pm
Sessions:17 Sessions
Location:Online via ZOOM
Program Fee:$ 360  General
$ 335  SFCP Members
Maximum Class Size:12 to 14 participants
Note:This 18-week course is a follow up course for those students who completed Year One of Foundations of Psychodynamic Clinical Work in Community Mental Health Settings. Some exceptions can be made for those already somewhat familiar with psychoanalytic theory and thinking. Please contact Danny Yu, d.yu.lcsw@gmail.com, for consideration.

Therapeutic Relatedness

This course will be a consideration of the central role of relatedness in psychoanalytic therapeutic models, and an introduction to key theoretical concepts concerning the clinical relationship. While clinical psychoanalysis has focused primarily on the therapeutic pair, we will include other relevant relationships in our considerations, including organizational relationships and relationships to the social surround, among otheres. Students will be encouraged to bring in vignettes from their work for our discussion.

     Sandra Gaspar, LCSW
     Wednesdays, January 10, 17, 24, 31; February 14, 21 ,2024
     (no class on February 7; We encourage you to attend the CCSW Clinical Evening instead)

Surviving and Thriving With Your Client

This seminar is about the importance of the client’s lived emotional life in the clinical relationship. Clients may come to us feeling deadened, or collapsed, or alternately, enraged or destructively explosive. Often aggression, imploded or exploded, is at the heart of an individual’s suffering. Historical, as well as social forces such as racism inform and compound our client’s suffering. We will explore distinctions between developmentally healthy aggression, and aggression which is destructive towards self and others.Throughout the seminar, we will discuss the concept that the clinician’s survival, and capacity to think in the face of their client’s emotional turmoil is central to the client’s healing and growth.

     Danny Yu, LCSW
     Wednesdays, February 28; March 6, 13, 20, 27, 2024

Managing Our Internal Experience

This seminar will explore our conscious and unconscious responses to clients, supervisors, work settings and critical incidents. The core psychoanalytic concepts of transference and counter-transference will provide a foundation for our thinking. Through reading and clinical presentations we will immerse ourselves in thinking about the multi-faceted nature of our relationship to clients and our personal and professional responses. The seminar will conclude with a discussion about how personal life circumstances impact our work; Life circumstances may generate strengths as well as vulnerability in the social work clinician at any given time. Issues of race, gender, class and trauma will be woven throughout our discussions. 

     Elizabeth M. Simpson, LCSW
     Wednesdays, April 3, 10, 17, 24; May 8, 15, 2024
     (no class on May 1; We encourage you to attend the CCSW Clinical Evening instead)

Wrap Up Meeting

A final meeting will be devoted for a final group gathering and potluck to further rehash the course, and to discuss Year Two and options for further involvement.

Readers Fee

Charges for reading material required for the seminars are not included in tuition. They are based upon copyright laws and change based on the content of the readers. The charges will be billed to you separately. Please submit your registration two weeks in advance in order to receive reading materials before the course starting date.

Refund Policy

  • There will be a full refund if one requests to drop the program on or before December 9, 2023.
  • There will be a 10% cancellation fee if one requests to drop the program on or after December 10, 2023.
  • There will be no refund of classes in progress, and SFCP will provide a pro-rated refund of tuition for classes not yet begun.

Upcoming Events

Wednesdays, January 8 to 22, 2025
Psychoanalytic Student Seminars
Promoting Depth and Analytic Process in Psychotherapy With Patients in Internship and Clinical Settings
Beth Steinberg, PhD (instructor)
Thursdays, January 9, 2025 to May 8, 2025
Extension Education Programs
2024-2025 Coalition for Clinical Social Work Extension Division Program: Foundations of Psychodynamic Clinical Work in Community Mental Health Settings - Year ONE
Genevieve Vidal, LCSW; Sebastian Melo, LCSW, MPH; Julia St. George, LCSW; and Beth Kita, LCSW, PhD (instructors)
Saturday, January 11, 2025
Child Colloquium Series
Therapy and medications: How can child and adolescent clinicians work collaboratively with psychiatrists?
Ross Andelman, MD, MFA (presenter)
Saturday, January 18, 2025
Dialogues in Contemporary Psychoanalysis
The Social Unconscious: Beyond the Individual and Beyond the Group - Juan Tubert-Oklander in Conversation with Jyoti Rao
Juan Tubert-Oklander in Conversation with Jyoti Rao
Thursday, January 23, 2025
SFCP Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Conversations
SFCP Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) Conversations - Module 2
David Luna, MBA, JD
Saturday, January 25, 2025
The James Grotstein Memorial Lectures in Comparative Psychoanlaysis
Part 1: Winnicott in San Francisco: "On Communicating and Not Communicating"
Peter Goldberg, PhD (presenter)
Sunday, January 26, 2025
SFCP Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Conversations
SFCP Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) Conversations - Module 2
David Luna, MBA, JD
Saturday, February 1, 2025
Scientific Meetings
Leadership in a Time of Polarization
Harriet Wolfe, MD; and Brett Penfil, MFT, MPH (presentes)
Monday, February 3, 2025
SFCP Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Conversations
SFCP Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) Conversations - Module 2
David Luna, MBA, JD
Wednesdays, February 5, 2025 to March 12, 2025
Coalition for Clinical Social Work
Managing Our Internal Experience
Elizabeth Simpson, LCSW (instructor)
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